Welcome, Dads (and Would Be Dads … And Moms … And Everyone Else)

Posted on 19. Jul, 2012 by rebel in Uncategorized

Thanks for stopping by RebelDad.com. Between 2002 and 2010, this blog was a (more or less) continually updated log of news and ideas related to at-home fatherhood. I’ve given up the “at-home father” title (at least the first part of the title), but RebelDad.com remains here as a resource for anyone looking for more information about at-home fatherhood. When I launched this site in 2002, there was very little on the Internet for fathers. Those sites are gone now, lost to history. But over the past decade, a huge number of sites, blogs and other online resources have emerged, driving home one of the original points of this blog: at-home dads are in excellent company.

If you’re interested in learning more, please:

Thanks, again, for the years of support.

- Brian

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5 Responses to “Welcome, Dads (and Would Be Dads … And Moms … And Everyone Else)”

  1. Vincent O'Keefe

    11. Nov, 2010

    Thanks for all your work for dads! It is appreciated.

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  2. Nathan

    14. Nov, 2010

    Thanks for a fantastic blog! Just started a dad blog of my own, and I’ve been looking to yours for inspiration. Hope we can hear more from you soon.

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  3. Michael Wight

    05. Jan, 2011

    I’ve been following your blog for quite a while, great work! You’ve been an inspiration to me, and helped me to start a cartoon strip based on stay at home dad’s, and lo and behold, my crazy little strip idea got picked up recently by Creators Syndicate. I’m in the development phase for the next 6-12 months but it can be seen on the creators website at


    It might be something your readers would enjoy. They can also sign up to get the strip as new ones appear in their email.

    I’m also attempting a Stay At Home Dad blog myself:


    I just started building it yesterday so, other than a rough looking blog and some info on me, it’s pretty bare. Hopefully in time I can build something decent. Keep up the good work.

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  4. deepdishchad

    14. Jan, 2011

    8 years?!?! Alas, I suppose it’s true. Thanks for all the laughs and thought-provoking reads, and thanks for immortalizing me in the Post. I go back and read that article sometimes just for the memories!

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  5. Jacob

    21. Feb, 2011

    Hi, I actually just came across your blog and it looks great. I am now trying to start a stay at home dad website/blog of my own.


    I am a new parent so I am looking for any kind of help that I can from other stay at home parents.

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