Posted on 07. Nov, 2002 by Rebeldad in General

My first problem in writing about this stuff on a regular basis is that I dislike all the terms for stay-at-home dad. Stay-at-home dad is bulky, SAHD is depressing and wonky, homedaddy, homedad and househusband seem stuffy or goofy. If I can coin a catchy term, 90 percent of my book-writing work would probably be done. It’s so easy to say “I’m a reporter.” Why can’t I have that level of simplicity when I define my other role.

However you term it, at-home daddying has been on my mind of late. I’m headed to the nation convention — that seems clear — and, barring disease, will write about it. I also went to the local dad playgroup yesterday and found out a bit more about the other guys in my position (or sort of in my position).

It will be interested to see if there’s a difference between the conference people and the local guys. I’m getting the impression that the national conference is a beacon for dads without a local support system, and I’ve been impressed with the one here. I can’t find anyone local who is going, and I’m beginning to understand why — the guys at the NOVA playgroup don’t need to fly across the country to meet others who share their position in life.

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