Jeremy Adam Smith -- the guy behind Daddy Dialectic -- sent around an e-mail yesterday noting that he has a signed book deal for a work called "Twenty-First Century Dad." I'm thrilled -- both that Jeremy has the deal and that we'll get a well-thought-out book on modern fatherhood.
The hard work of writing isn't yet done, though, and Jeremy is looking for a couple of at-home dads to talk to as he fleshes out the project:
I need to locate two more stay-at-home dads for interviews. The first should be someone who was thrown into a primary caregiving role by sudden unemployment or disability, and is struggling with his new role; the second should be a guy who stayed home with his kids for a few years, loved it, and has recently gone back to work. It would be ideal for the dads to be based in the Chicago or Boston areas, because I'll likely be visiting those places, but I can travel to other cities. Please, no dads in California.
If you can help, please do. Feel free to e-mail me if you're interested and I'll pass it along. (Jeremy -- if you feel OK sharing your e-mail, just leave it in the comments.)